Sunday, March 3, 2019

New thoughts

An imaginary letter to myself, from someone

"Dan, how are you doing? I know this whole rise of anti-Semitism thing has been difficult and painful for you, because I know you are really concerned about this kind of thing, both for the sake of the world and especially for the sake of the safety and well-being of the people you love the most. I don't necessarily agree with all your political takes on everything, but I do care about you and have seen with my own eyes the rising hatred we are now seeing being directed at Jews, Muslims, African-Americans, Latinos, gays/lesbian/transgendered/queer/Native Americans, etc.

I know you have read a lot of history and, while I perhaps don't read and watch quite as much history as you (which would be hard to do!), I want you to know that I care deeply about the history of anti-Semitism in the world, and I can totally understand why this has been a scary and anxiety-producing time for you. I just want you to know that I'm here for you, that I will stand with you against anyone trying to promote hatred against Jewish people, or against any group that feels vulnerable. If anyone tries to incite violence against Jewish people, which I know well can end up really turning ugly, at MANY times throughout history, I will be right there in solidarity with my Jewish friends. I will not allow harm to come to my Jewish friends, NO MATTER WHAT.

I probably don't think about the Holocaust quite as much as you do, Dan, but I understand fully why you do study it, why you care that others study it, and why you are deeply worried that certain awful trends in history can repeat. I don't think even you think we are necessarily heading for another Holocaust right now, Dan, but you should know that I also fear how things can get out of control, quickly, especially when there are people whipping up hatred and fear on a daily basis against Jews. I too, Dan, have seen what has happened in history after such rhetoric becomes commonplace and normalized, and I will fight with all of my might and soul to make sure the words "never again," which I have insisted all my life must be honored, are indeed honored. There can never, ever be another Holocaust. EVER.

I may not support Israel as much as you, Dan, but I think it's important that the Jewish people have a homeland, a safe place of refuge, and that there are also very very strong historical connections to that land for Jewish people. I think many people may not realize, Dan, that you also have a lot of compassion for Arab/Muslim people in terms of how they have been treated historically, and that you also see the Palestinians as people, and that you want them to be able to share that land in peace with the Jewish people of the Middle East, somehow. You acknowledge their suffering, Dan, I see that. And yet, sadly, many of these same people who keep demanding that you acknowledge their suffering (and they don't need to demand it, you have repeatedly talked about how you see both sides of every conflict, including the Israeli-Palestinian one) seem completely unwilling to acknowledge your suffering, Dan, and the longstanding suffering of your people. I know. It sucks. I can't necessarily change all that, but I want you to know that I see it, that I care about the pain you have been dealing with lately.

I also know that you have been critical of the Israeli Right, of Netanyahu, and yet that is not enough for some people. I don't think all criticism of Israel is anti-Semitism, by a long shot, and frankly, Dan, I know you, you have actually been quite clear that you agree, that you think Israel should be subject to criticism, when necessary, as any sovereign nation should. Your issue is with Israel being singled out and held to different standards than other nations, often ones with far worse human rights records (often absurdly worse) than Israel. I don't always agree with you on all these issues, but I do see that Israel is the only real democracy in the Middle East, its Arab/Muslim citizens can vote and even serve in the Knesset (Parliament), and thus the accusations of Israel being an "apartheid" state are simply not true, and also that Netanyahu just got indicted - not by BDS (boycott, divest, sanction) activists, but rather by his own attorney general, something that would never, ever happen in any neighboring country to Israel. I also know that gay people and women are treated far better in Israel than in any of its neighboring countries, and I must admit, I often scratch my head that so many progressive people (supposedly) seem to refuse to acknowledge that Israel itself is FAR more progressive than any other country in its region.

I can't make any of this better, Dan, but I just wanted to reach out to you. I saw an article recently that was about some of this stuff, and I was even going to post it, but then I realized that I don't always pay that much attention to Jewish/Middle East issues, so I decided to read it carefully before I sent it to you. In doing so, I realized that this article itself was rather offensive to Jewish people, so I decided not to send it to you. I figured you would appreciate that. You are suffering enough - you don't need your friends sending you shitty takes on the whole situation that actually repeat some of the same anti-Semitic tropes that have been really upsetting to you lately.

I know the latest charges about "dual loyalty" of Jews (the charge that Jews are supposedly more loyal to a foreign country - in this case, Israel, but throughout history, the charge has been leveled again and again by anti-Semites, and generally just imply that Jews are not patriotic enough to the country where they reside) have really been repulsive to you. I don't agree with any of that garbage. I see Jewish people again and again, all around me, who deeply love America and while they may also love Israel, it is not at the "expense" of their boundless love for our country. I too find any accusations of Jews having more "allegiance" to Israel than America absolutely vile, and we should call it out for what it is: anti-Semitism. Period.

Most of all, Dan, I get how upsetting it is, for you in particular, as an always-very-active member of the music scene, which undoubtedly leans, overall, strongly left - that so much hatred (certainly not all - plenty of hate for Jews comes from the Far Right, as you have rightly pointed out time and again over the years) for Jews seems to be coming from the Far Left end of the political spectrum lately. I get it. This feels like a betrayal by those in your own world. I can see how that would be particularly painful, and I want you to know that I will not betray you, Dan. I will not turn on you. I will not side with your oppressors, I will not side with those who threaten you and your people. I know the dangers of anti-Semitism, and I fully, and with no reservations, reject that language and actions of those who would do harm to (or stir up harm towards) Jewish people. I know, Dan, that you have been a lifelong Democrat, and you mainly consider yourself politically liberal, and this feels extra-painful to you because so much of the hatred you are experiencing is coming from the side of the political spectrum that you and so many Jewish people (who have supported that side in OVERWHELMING numbers over the years) have felt was your home for so long. Now you are not so sure - I can't blame you! You have been exceptionally loyal to people who now seem like they are not showing any reciprocal loyalty to you - that is called betrayal, and it feels lousy, as anyone who has experienced it (personally or politically) can attest to. You are a good Dad, Dan Israel. I see how loving you are with your children, and it's a beautiful thing. You are a pretty good person - no saint, but also not an evil person, and you care about others, a lot. You are generous with your time and your resources. You have mentored and offered support and encouragement to many, many other musicians. Not because you expected a return favor (well, sometimes, but not always!) but because you genuinely do want to help others, to lend some hard-earned wisdom that you have accumulated in 30 years of writing and performing your own music. You have had some successes, to be sure, but also your fair share (some might say, and then some) of struggles and frustrations in music. You know what it is like to feel shortchanged and overlooked, despite your hard work and talent, and you try to pass that compassion on to others when they feel down and discouraged about the inherently-unfair music business. Whew. There is so much to cover, I can't possibly fit it all into a letter I am trying to finish before I go to bed here on a VERY cold Sunday night in early March. I know this has also been a tough winter. You are affected by the seasons and the weather, perhaps as much as anyone I know, and even without all this stuff swirling around, this might have been a tough few months for you. With it all....I get a little worried about you. That's why I'm reaching out. I have not forgotten about you, even if I am not in touch enough or have seemed at times to not be supporting you. Again, I don't always agree with your politics, but I feel like it is important right now that I tell you that I am concerned about how you are feeling, and that this is kind of a crucial time to remind my Jewish friends that I love them and will support them, especially if things get uglier than they already are. Let's hope not.

I am not Jewish, Dan. I don't pretend to know all of what you feel. I see you speaking out a lot, and I know you have taken some heat for that. Sometimes, honestly, I wish you'd shut up a little about this stuff - it just gets to be too much.

But then I step back and realize that I have the privilege of stepping away from this. These are not attacks on me, so I don't have to feel the fear and worry and heartache that you can't just step away from so easily, Dan. I know you have been losing sleep and getting very agitated and depressed about all of this, and even though I can't walk in your shoes, literally, I try to imagine myself dealing with all of this, especially when your own Congresswoman spouts disgusting anti-Semitic tropes and other bullshit every few days, and I realize how much that would suck. So while I sometimes wish you would quiet down, I also see that you keep looking around and not seeing a whole lot of support sometimes from people in your world. I realize that you may be shouting louder and louder because it often seems like absolutely nobody is listening to your concerns, or worries about the toll this is taking on you and others in the Jewish community. I get that. If you need to shout, shout. If you need to write songs, write songs. I like that song you already wrote about rising anti-Semitism in the world. It was really good, so I am going to post the link here so others reading this imaginary letter can hear it too. - if they like it, maybe they can share it with others who might somehow find it comforting to hear a song that reflects a lot of what they are also maybe feeling too right now.

Anyway, Dan, I'm tired, but I wanted to get these thoughts down while I was thinking of them. Remember, you are not alone. You have friends, friends who will be there for you when the chips are down, who won't turn and run and abandon you if you or the ones you love are ever in danger. I know maybe you already know all of this, but you have sounded like you are losing hope a little sometimes lately, and I wanted to make sure you didn't forget that your friends love you and will never willingly allow harm to come to you in the form of anti-Semitism, if we can help it.

Dan, we are going to stand together against hatred of all kinds. We reject anti-Semitism in all its forms, and we see the hatred and bigotry that has sharply risen in the world in the last few months in particular against Jews. We will fight that rising tide of ugliness, together. We stand by you, Dan. Always.


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