Friday, October 25, 2019

Helping me

"You should totally play at ...." "You should get your songs into a movie..."

People mean well. People who say such things are often fans, so I definitely don't want to besmirch their good intentions - but if you want me to play at "so and so", you might need to HELP me advocate for playing at "so and so" - tell your friend who knows the owner or the booking person or whatever - because it is very often NOT that easy to just play at "so and so"

Booking people are besieged - often by artists with far more "impressive" representation than, say, me asking about me playing

So this is NOT a put-down - merely a request to understand how hard it is to be an independent artist, out there booking myself, promoting myself, etc. Again, not a complaint, just a statement of fact

I want to play at that place you think I should play at, but odds are, it's not going to be as easy as me just contacting that place

So if there's somewhere you think I should play

1. Please DO tell me about the place or the tip or the idea or any thought you might have that could help me get my music out there and somehow get paid for that as well


2. Realize that it might not be as simple as me just sending one, two, or even 14 emails to their booking person or whoever makes those decisions. If you know anyone involved with that place you want me to play, or that opportunity, and are willing to put in a good word for me, that might make it a thousand times easier for me to actually get booked there or have something good happen with my music

Thank you!

Here's my contact info, in case you want to help me book stuff, or you know someone who can help me with any aspect of my music - perhaps someone with record label/industry connections, or who can help make music videos, or can help get my music into a movie or TV show or ad, or help me with getting shows in other cities, or anything - thank you!

My website:

My new album:

My contact info:
Dan Israel

ph. 612-280-8902

Monday, October 14, 2019

Announcing Dan Israel's new album "Social Media Anxiety Disorder"

Check out Dan Israel's new album here!

Dan Israel - new 2019 shows

Saturday, October 19 - Dan plays solo at Forestville Vines in River Falls, Wisconsin from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm,

Thursday, October 24 - Dan opens (solo) for Loudon Wainwright III at the Dakota in downtown Minneapolis, 7 pm,

Sunday, October 27 - Dan plays solo at Aamodt's Apple Farm in Stillwater, MN, noon to 3 pm,

Wednesday, November 6 - Dan and bassist Mike Lane play a duo show at Palmer's Bar in Minneapolis, 8 pm to 10 pm,

Saturday, November 9 - Dan and bassist Mike Lane play a duo show at Oak Center General Store in Lake City, MN, 8 pm,

Wednesday, November 13 - Dan plays solo at Town Hall Brewery, 1430 S. Washington Avenue, Minneapolis, MN, 6 pm to 8 pm

Sunday, November 17 - Dan plays at Hop and Barrel in Hudson, Wisc. with Tommy Bentz from 2 pm to 5 pm,

Wednesday, December 4 - Dan plays solo at Copperwing Distillery in St. Louis Park, 7:30 pm,

Thursday, December 12 - Dan does a duo show (playing Dylan songs) with Dean Wolfson at the American Legion in St. Louis Park, 6:30 pm,

Wednesday, December 18 through Friday, December 20 - Dan goes back up to the Iron Range in northern Minnesota to work on some new songs with Rich Mattson at his Sparta Sound studio

Thursday, December 26 - Dan plays at Sir Benedict's in Duluth, 5 pm to 7 pm,

Friday, December 27 - Dan and the full band (trio version, with Dave Russ and Mike Lane) play at the Basement Bar in downtown Minneapolis (next to Cuzzy's), 7 pm to 9:30 pm,

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Social Media Anxiety Disorder - press quotes

"I've been listening to your new album and like it very much.  It's so well done - from the writing to the singing and playing. The production is uniformly excellent. From top to bottom, it's very well put together....I think you have much to offer a listener or an A&R person or a music supervisor." - Peter Jesperson

"After twenty-plus years, Minneapolis singer-songwriter Dan Israel has proven himself an expert at navigating the wide-open field between power pop and roots rock....spreading his wings has led Israel to his best album yet" - Big Takeover magazine

"Dan Israel has been creating folk rock for over two decades, rarely venturing outside his chosen method:  sweet melodies, infectious hooks, jangly guitars.  You couldn't accuse him of being avant garde, but that wasn't the point.  It was always a quest for perfection.  His songs are fine-tuned miniature masterpieces.  "Social Media" finds him spreading his wings, and it's full of surprises.  We get glimpses of folk-rock and the rest is harder to classify.  The songs never go where you think they will, but you're glad they did." - Duluth Reader

"The most polished, poppy and just plain pleasant of Israel's 15 (!) albums, with ample Beatles flavor alongside the usual Dylan and Petty." - StarTribune

"Dan Israel has a storied resume.  With 15 albums to his credit, he's made his mark as a gifted singer and songwriter of exceptional ability. Social Media Anxiety Disorder [is a] smart, savvy, and clear reflection of Israel's ability to combine memorable melodies with an irrepressible attitude." - Goldmine magazine

"You've made the best record of your long career.  Digging all the textures, twists and turns.  Varied feels, chord changes, hooks & left turns...heartfelt performances.  Bravo."  - Adam Levy of the Honeydogs

"Accentuating the positive, with the solar-powered, upbeat pop and exuberant horns streaming out of "Be My Girl," Minnesotta singer-songwriter Dan Israel tries to beat back self-doubt and regret on the multi-faceted Social Media Anxiety Disorder, his 15th studio album, perhaps his most stylistically unique and idiosyncratic effort to date." - Elmore magazine

"On this record, Israel mostly does his thing, and he does it extremely well.  Very few musicians can keep making records this catchy and vital-sounding as they get into middle age, but Israel has again proved he's evergreen.  No reason to think he won't still be here 20 years from now, doing exactly this. Here's hoping." - Duluth News-Tribune

"In a 'good way,' Dan and band bounce between musical styles throughout; with the constant golden thread being quality songwriting; and pretty damn cool melodies and rhythms too.  There's a little bit of all that is good in American music here." - Rocking Magpie

"If you love the sound of classic guitar-driven pop artists from the 1980s, you're almost certain to dig the sounds you'll hear on the humorously-titled "Social Media Anxiety Disorder."  Minnesota-based singer/songwriter Dan Israel has hit the target with this one.  This album is chock full of smart melodic pop that is memorable, intelligent, and uplifting." - babysue/LMNOP